Thursday, October 10, 2019

Impact of the Typewriter on American personal media and Buisness

Today, the mechanical typewriter is often considered an antique. However, the rise of this technology in the late-nineteenth century led to developments that have shaped how we live and work today.
Image result for writing ball
The typewriter has evolved in very interesting ways over its lifetime. The first conception for an invention similar to the mechanical typewriter was the “writing ball,” conceived of by Danish pastor Rasmus Malling-Hansen. This was a sphere covered in types letters you could use to slowly type onto paper. This was not a very popular invention. In 1874, the “Sholes & Glidden Type Writer” becomes the model for the modern typewriter setup. This typewriter, and many other early models, were “blind” typewriters, andantes writer could not see what they were writing until it was done. In 1885, Underwood keyboards, which were non-blind, became the most popular model of keyboard. By the 1910s, the standard keyboard layout had been established, including the addition of the shift key, tab, backspace, and QUERTY typeset layout. The 1960s brought electronic word processors, and the 1990s brought the end of the manufacture of typewriter as we know them by IBM and most other major manufacturers.
Image result for typewriter
The typewriter also had a profound effect on businesses around the world, the working lives of women as well as the individual's ability to create works of personal expression. Businesses were able to save significant overhead costs on printing, and therefore were able to spend more money on managerial staff. Women often picked up jobs as secretaries and typists, which were significantly better positions in working conditions and pay than factory jobs. Lastly, individuals were able to create literature in their own home for their causes, businesses, or organizations. This allowed for information created by individuals to be spread much more easily.

In short, the typewriter has had a tremendous impact on our society and paved the way for modern word processors and computers.

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